Qhov txawv ntawm Solubility thiab Solubility Khoom

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Qhov txawv ntawm Solubility thiab Solubility Khoom
Qhov txawv ntawm Solubility thiab Solubility Khoom

Video: Qhov txawv ntawm Solubility thiab Solubility Khoom

Video: Qhov txawv ntawm Solubility thiab Solubility Khoom
Video: Complying with Pesticide Laws and Regulations in California Modules 1-9 (Hmong) 2024, Lub Xya hli ntuj

Qhov sib txawv tseem ceeb ntawm cov khoom solubility thiab solubility yog qhov solubility piav qhia txog kev sib cais ntawm cov khoom hauv cov kuab tshuaj thaum cov khoom solubility piav txog cov khoom lag luam ntawm cov yaj ion concentrations tsa rau lub zog ntawm lawv cov stoichiometric coefficients.

Raws li qhov sib txawv tau hais los saum toj no, solubility thiab solubility khoom yog ob nqe lus hais txog. Yog li ntawd, peb tuaj yeem siv cov khoom solubility ntawm ib yam khoom kom nkag siab txog qhov solubility ntawm cov khoom ntawd; qhov me me cov khoom solubility, qhov qis dua cov solubility.

Dab tsi yog Solubility?

Solubility yog cov cuab yeej ntawm cov khoom kom yaj hauv cov kuab tshuaj. Ntawm no, peb hu cov khoom (uas yaj hauv cov kuab tshuaj) raws li "solute". Nws tuaj yeem yog ib qho khoom, kua lossis cov khoom gaseous. Cov kuab tshuaj, ntawm qhov tod tes, kuj tuaj yeem nyob hauv cov khoom, kua lossis gaseous xeev. Lub solubility ntawm ib yam khoom nyob ntawm cov tshuaj thiab lub cev muaj zog ntawm cov kuab tshuaj thiab cov kuab tshuaj. Ntxiv mus, nws nyob ntawm cov yam ntxwv sab nraud ntawm cov kuab tshuaj-solvent system; kub, siab, thiab lwm yam.

Qhov sib txawv ntawm Solubility thiab Solubility Khoom
Qhov sib txawv ntawm Solubility thiab Solubility Khoom

Daim duab 01: Tsim cov tshuaj los ntawm kev sib cais ntawm cov kuab tshuaj hauv cov kuab tshuaj

Ib yam khoom tuaj yeem yaj hauv cov kuab tshuaj uas tsim nyog kom txog thaum cov kuab tshuaj tau saturated los ntawm cov khoom ntawd. Nws yog qhov siab tshaj plaws ntawm cov kuab tshuaj molecules uas cov kuab tshuaj muaj peev xwm tuav tau ntawm qhov muab kub thiab siab. Hauv qhov sib piv, insolubility tsis tuaj yeem yaj hauv cov khoom. Txawm li cas los xij, solubility tsis piav txog lub peev xwm ua kom yaj cov tshuaj vim tias peb tuaj yeem yaj cov tshuaj ntawm cov tshuaj tiv thaiv ib yam nkaus. Cov yam ntxwv cuam tshuam rau kev solubility ntawm cov kuab tshuaj yog raws li nram no:

  1. Kub
  2. siab
  3. Kev muaj lwm yam tshuaj
  4. Qhov polarity ntawm cov kuab tshuaj thiab cov kuab tshuaj
  5. Intermolecular rog ntawm cov kuab tshuaj thiab cov kuab tshuaj
  6. pH
  7. size ntawm solute molecules

Cov Khoom Solubility yog dab tsi?

Solubility khoom yog qhov kev ua lej uas qhia txog qhov sib npaug ntawm cov yaj thiab cov tsis yaj ntawm cov khoom hauv cov kuab tshuaj. Yog li ntawd, nws sawv cev rau theem uas ib tug solute dissolves nyob rau hauv ib tug tov. Ntau precisely, nws yog cov zauv khoom ntawm nws yaj ion concentrations tsa rau lub hwj chim ntawm lawv stoichiometric coefficients.

Solubility khoom yog tus nqi tas li rau ib yam khoom ntawm qhov kub thiab txias. Yog li peb hu nws "solubility khoom tas li". Peb tuaj yeem pom nws li Ksp. Lo lus no yog ncaj qha ntsig txog solubility ntawm ib yam khoom; siab dua Ksp, siab dua lub solubility. Ntxiv mus, nws yog heterogeneous equilibrium tas mus li. Peb siv lo lus no nrog cov kev daws teeb meem uas saturated nrog ib qho kev daws teeb meem. Qhov no ib txwm nyob ntawm qhov kub thiab txias. Cia peb xav txog ib qho piv txwv kom tau ib lub tswv yim txog nws.

aA(s) ↔ bB(aq) + cC(aq)

Cov kab ke saum toj no tau yaj B thiab C cov khoom lag luam thiab tsis tau muab faib A thiab. Ces cov khoom solubility tas li yog raws li nram no:


Qhov txawv ntawm Solubility thiab Solubility Khoom yog dab tsi?

Solubility yog cov cuab yeej ntawm cov khoom kom yaj hauv cov kuab tshuaj. Yooj yim, nws piav qhia txog kev sib cais ntawm cov khoom hauv cov kuab tshuaj. Solubility khoom yog qhov kev ua lej uas qhia tau hais tias qhov sib npaug ntawm cov yaj thiab cov yam tsis tau yaj ntawm cov khoom hauv cov kuab tshuaj. Lo lus no piav qhia txog lej cov khoom ntawm cov yaj ion concentrations tsa rau lub hwj chim ntawm lawv cov stoichiometric coefficients. Qhov no yog qhov sib txawv tseem ceeb ntawm solubility thiab solubility khoom. Ntxiv mus, ob nqe lus no cuam tshuam rau ib leeg vim hais tias cov khoom solubility ntawm ib yam khoom piav txog cov solubility ntawm cov khoom.

Qhov sib txawv ntawm Solubility thiab Solubility Khoom hauv Tabular Form
Qhov sib txawv ntawm Solubility thiab Solubility Khoom hauv Tabular Form

Summary – Solubility vs Solubility Product

Solubility thiab solubility khoom yog ob nqe lus hais txog. Qhov sib txawv ntawm solubility thiab solubility khoom yog hais tias solubility piav qhia txog lub dissolution ntawm ib yam khoom nyob rau hauv ib tug hnyav whereas lub solubility khoom piav qhia txog zauv cov khoom ntawm yaj ion concentrations tsa rau lub hwj chim ntawm lawv stoichiometric coefficients.

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