Qhov txawv ntawm Ghouls thiab Dab

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Qhov txawv ntawm Ghouls thiab Dab
Qhov txawv ntawm Ghouls thiab Dab

Video: Qhov txawv ntawm Ghouls thiab Dab

Video: Qhov txawv ntawm Ghouls thiab Dab
Video: Human and Ghost Neej Thiab Dab 2024, Lub Xya hli ntuj

Qhov Tseem Ceeb - Ghouls vs Ghosts

Ghouls thiab ghosts yog ob tug supernatural beings uas feem ntau ntshai peb. Txawm hais tias ob lo lus no suab thiab zoo ib yam, lawv hais txog ob qho tib si. Qhov sib txawv tseem ceeb ntawm ghouls thiab ghosts yog tias ghoul yog dab phem dab neeg uas ros graves thiab feeds on tuag lub cev whereas dab yog ib tug ntsuj plig los yog tus ntsuj plig ntawm ib tug neeg tuag uas pom rau cov ciaj sia. Nws tseem yog ib qho tseem ceeb uas yuav tsum nco ntsoov tias cov dab neeg supernatural no tuaj yeem piav qhia txawv hauv ntau yam dab neeg, dab neeg, dab neeg thiab cov ntawv nyeem ntawm ntau hom lus thiab kab lis kev cai.

Dab tsi yog Ghouls?

Ghouls yog dab los yog dab phem txuam nrog lub ntxa los yog qhov chaw faus thiab noj tib neeg cev nqaij daim tawv. Lub hauv paus chiv keeb ntawm qhov supernatural no tuaj yeem taug qab mus rau Arabian mythology. Nws yog nrog kev txhais lus ntawm zaj dab neeg ntawm Arabian Nights los ntawm Antoine Galland tias sab hnub poob conception ntawm ghoul tau qhia. Ghouls feem ntau paub tias nyob hauv toj ntxas, nyiag lub ntxa thiab pub rau cov neeg tuag. Ghouls yog qhov pib piav qhia tias yog ib hom dab tsis tuag hauv cov ntaub ntawv niaj hnub no.

Qhov txawv tseem ceeb - Ghouls vs Ghosts
Qhov txawv tseem ceeb - Ghouls vs Ghosts

Daim duab 01: piav qhia txog tus ghoul los ntawm ib zaj dab neeg hauv Arabian Nights.

Nyob rau hauv Arabian lus dab neeg, ghouls kuj yog cov hloov pauv thiab tuaj yeem ntxias tib neeg mus rau hauv cov suab puam nrog lawv cov tsiaj zais. Lawv kuj paub tias yog menyuam yaus, haus ntshav, thiab nyiag nyiaj npib.

Dab yog dab tsi?

Dab yog ntsuj plig los yog ntsuj plig ntawm cov neeg tuag uas tshwm sim rau cov ciaj sia. Cov lus piav qhia ntawm qhov tshwm sim ntawm ghosts yuav txawv ntawm qhov pom tsis pom mus rau cov duab nebulous mus rau qhov muaj tiag zoo li lub neej tsis pom kev. Dab neeg ntseeg hais tias los haunt rau tej chaw, tej khoom lossis cov neeg uas lawv tau txuas nrog lawv lub neej.

Lub tswv yim ntawm dab tawm hauv ntau haiv neeg thiab lub tebchaws; Cov lus dab neeg, dab neeg, thiab dab neeg txog dab tuaj yeem pom thoob plaws ntiaj teb. Kev piav qhia ntawm dab nyob rau hauv lawv tej zaum yuav txawv, tab sis lub ntsiab lus tseem ceeb ntawm dab, piv txwv li, ghosts yog dab lossis tus ntsuj plig ntawm cov neeg tuag, tuaj yeem raug sau tseg hauv tag nrho cov dab neeg no. Lub tswv yim ntawm ghosts kuj tau siv nyob rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv nrov hauv ntau haiv neeg; Piv txwv li, ntau cov yeeb yaj kiab txaus ntshai muaj cov dab neeg dab neeg raws li lawv cov phiaj xwm. Dab dab dab neeg los yog muaj dab tuaj yeem taug qab hauv cov ntaub ntawv classical; dab nyob hauv Shakespeare's Hamlet thiab Macbeth yog cov piv txwv tseem ceeb rau qhov no.

Qhov txawv ntawm Ghouls thiab Dab
Qhov txawv ntawm Ghouls thiab Dab

Daim duab 02: Daim duab thov kom ntes cov duab ntawm dab.

Txawm tias muaj dab tsi tshwm sim los ntawm kev tshawb fawb, ntau tus neeg ntseeg tias lawv muaj nyob. Kev txhob txwm sim ua kom muaj kev sib cuag nrog dab yog hu ua necromancy thiab dab yos hav zoov, uas qee zaum siv txoj hauv kev tshawb fawb, tau muab cais ua pseudoscience.

Dab tsi yog qhov txawv ntawm Ghouls thiab Dab?

Ntxhais hmoob VS Ghosts

Ghouls yog dab phem dab neeg uas nyiag qhov ntxa thiab pub rau cov neeg tuag. Dab yog dab los yog tus ntsuj plig ntawm cov neeg tuag uas pom tau rau cov ciaj sia.
Ghouls muaj lub cev daim ntawv. Dab tej zaum yuav pom tsis tau lossis tsis pom.
Kev coj cwj pwm
Ghouls nyob rau hauv qhov chaw faus thiab pub rau cov neeg tuag. Dab haunt tej khoom, qhov chaw lossis tib neeg cuam tshuam nrog lawv lub neej yav dhau los.
Lub tswv yim ntawm ghouls originated los ntawm Arabian lus dab neeg. Lub tswv yim ntawm dab tuaj yeem pom nyob hauv ntau haiv neeg.
Ntaus kab lis kev cai
Ghouls tsis yog siv ntau li dab hauv kev coj noj coj ua. Dab feem ntau yog siv supernatural beings hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab, dab neeg, ua yeeb yam, thiab lwm yam.

Summary – Ghouls vs Ghosts

Dab thiab ghouls yog ob qho tib si supernatural nyob hauv dab neeg, dab neeg, thiab dab neeg. Ghouls yog cov tsiaj phem uas nyob hauv qhov chaw faus neeg thiab noj tib neeg lub cev thaum ghosts yog cov neeg tuag uas pom cov neeg nyob. Qhov no yog qhov sib txawv ntawm ghouls thiab ghosts. Ib qho tseem ceeb sib txawv ntawm ghouls thiab ghosts yog ghouls muaj lub cev daim ntawv hos ghosts tej zaum yuav los yog tsis muaj ib tug ntshiab daim ntawv.

Download PDF Version of Ghouls vs Dab

Koj tuaj yeem rub tawm PDF version ntawm kab lus no thiab siv nws rau offline hom phiaj raws li daim ntawv ceeb toom. Thov download PDF version ntawm no Qhov txawv Ntawm Ghouls thiab Ghosts

Image Courtesy:

1. "Brown Lady" Los ntawm Source (Fair use) via Commons Wikimedia

2. "Amine Discovered with the Goule" Los ntawm R. Smirke, Esq., RA. Digitized los ntawm Google Phau Ntawv. - (Public Domain) ntawm Commons Wikimedia

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