Qhov txawv ntawm AT&T iPhone 4 thiab Verizon iPhone 4

Qhov txawv ntawm AT&T iPhone 4 thiab Verizon iPhone 4
Qhov txawv ntawm AT&T iPhone 4 thiab Verizon iPhone 4

Video: Qhov txawv ntawm AT&T iPhone 4 thiab Verizon iPhone 4

Video: Qhov txawv ntawm AT&T iPhone 4 thiab Verizon iPhone 4
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the AT&T iPhone 4 vs the Verizon iPhone 4

AT&T iPhone 4 thiab Verizon iPhone 4 yog ob qho tib si ntawm iPhone 4 tam sim no nrog qhov sib txawv me ntsis hauv nws qhov tshwj xeeb thiab nrog qhov sib txawv loj hauv kev siv tshuab siv. AT&T siv UMTS 3G thev naus laus zis thaum Verizon siv CDMA Technology. Ob leeg yog ob qhov sib txawv loj thev naus laus zis hauv 3rd Generation ntawm wireless tes hauj lwm. Ntawm qhov tshwj xeeb sab, Verizon iPhone 4 los nrog lub peev xwm mobile hotspot, qhov twg koj tuaj yeem txuas mus txog 5 Wi-Fi enabled li.


AT&T xa tawm UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System) network rau 3G. UMTS yog tus ua tiav ntawm GSM (Lub Ntiaj Teb Txheej Txheem rau Kev Sib Txuas Lus Sib Txuas Lus) tus qauv. GSM thiab UMTS tau siv dav siv thev naus laus zis thiab UMTS tau siv dav siv 3G thev naus laus zis, yog li UMTS cov neeg siv xov tooj tuaj yeem yooj yim mus ncig thoob ntiaj teb nrog tib lub xov tooj.

Verizon (CDMA)

Verizon siv CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) uas tseem yog wireless broadband technology uas siv cov bandwidth zoo dua li lwm cov thev naus laus zis. CDMA siv cov xov tooj muag muag thaum koj mus ncig thiab tib lub sijhawm nws yuav tau txais cov teeb liab los ntawm ntau lub yees tib lub sijhawm thiab siv lub teeb liab muaj zog tshaj plaws.

Hauv CDMA muaj qhov hloov pauv loj ntawm kev nrawm nyob ntawm txoj haujlwm, pej xeem qhov ceev thiab lwm yam. Qhov tsis zoo ntawm CDMA xov tooj, thaum koj nyob hauv lub suab hu koj tsis tuaj yeem xauj hauv internet hauv kev nkag siab tias CDMA tsis muaj peev xwm nqa lub suab thiab cov ntaub ntawv ib txhij.

Qhov txawv ntawm AT&T (UMTS) thiab Verizon (CDMA)

(1) CDMA muaj muag muag ntawm kev hu xov tooj thaum tsiv mus nyob qhov twg UMTS tsis muaj qhov no.

(2) CDMA xov tooj tuaj yeem tau txais cov teeb liab los ntawm ntau lub yees thiab xaiv lub teeb liab tsim nyog.

(3) UMTS cov xov tooj yuav muaj SIM lossis Micro SIM daim npav thaum hauv CDMA xov tooj tsis muaj SIM phaib. Yog li nws nyuaj rau hloov cov handsets.

(4) UMTS 3G kev sib txuas yuav nrawm dua li CDMA 3G kev sib txuas hauv General

(5) UMTS lub xov tooj tuaj yeem nqa lub suab thiab cov ntaub ntawv ib txhij thaum hauv CDMA xov tooj nws tsis tuaj yeem siv lub suab thiab cov ntaub ntawv ib txhij

CDMA Development pab pawg tau tshaj tawm tias CDMA tes hauj lwm thiab cov xov tooj yuav nqa cov ntaub ntawv thiab lub suab nrog kev tso tawm tom ntej uas xav tau nyob rau thawj peb lub hlis twg xyoo 2011.

Tom ntej no iphones yuav tsim los txhawb rau qhov tseeb 4G Technologies LTE lossis WiMAX. Txij li thaum LTE nyob hauv tib tsev neeg ntawm GSM cov qauv, tsis muaj qhov tsis ntseeg AT&T yuav muaj nws. Tab sis tib lub sijhawm Verizon tseem yuav tsiv mus rau LTE raws li nws cov thev naus laus zis tiam tom ntej sai sai. Nws thiaj li tag nrho cov kua cov neeg siv khoom los ntawm AT&T thiab Verizon yuav txav mus rau iPhone 5 lossis LTE version ntawm iphone.

Qhia Verizon iPhone 4

Courtesy: CNet TV

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