Qhov txawv ntawm Kaolinite thiab Illite yog dab tsi

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Qhov txawv ntawm Kaolinite thiab Illite yog dab tsi
Qhov txawv ntawm Kaolinite thiab Illite yog dab tsi

Video: Qhov txawv ntawm Kaolinite thiab Illite yog dab tsi

Video: Qhov txawv ntawm Kaolinite thiab Illite yog dab tsi
Video: qhia ntawv kaus lim ep 20, ສອນພາສາເກົາຫລີ, ສອນອ່ານ, ສອນການສ້າງເປັນຄຳຖາມ ແລະ ຕອບ . 2024, Lub Xya hli ntuj

Qhov sib txawv tseem ceeb ntawm kaolinite thiab illite yog kaolinite muaj peev xwm nqus tau cov dej tsawg whereas illite muaj peev xwm nqus dej ntau dua kaolinite.

Kaolinite thiab illite yog ob hom av nplaum ntxhia. Cov no poob rau hauv pawg phyllosilicate. Ob qho khoom siv no muaj cov qauv tetrahedron-octahedron ua ke hauv cov qauv siv lead ua.

Kaolinite yog dab tsi?

Kaolinite yog av nplaum ntxhia muaj cov tshuaj formula Al2Si2O5 (OH)4 Nws yog qhov paub zoo tias yog cov khoom siv tseem ceeb / ntxhia. Peb tuaj yeem txheeb xyuas kaolinite raws li txheej txheej silicate ntxhia muaj ib daim ntawv tetrahedral ntawm silica (SiO4) uas txuas los ntawm oxygen atoms rau ib daim ntawv octahedral ntawm alumina octahedra.

Kaolinite thiab Illite - Sib piv ntawm Sab
Kaolinite thiab Illite - Sib piv ntawm Sab

Daim duab 01: Kaolinite

qeb ntawm kaolinite yog "phyllosilicates," thiab nws cov kab ke siv lead ua yog triclinic. Qhov chaw ntawm cov qauv siv lead ua no tuaj yeem muab tau raws li P1. Nws tshwm nyob rau hauv dawb mus rau cream xim, tab sis nws muaj peev xwm tau txais liab, xiav, los yog xim av tints vim muaj impurities. Thaum xav txog nws tus cwj pwm siv lead ua, nws tsis tshua muaj tshwm sim li crystals. Nws tuaj yeem pom tau tias yog cov phaj nyias nyias lossis stacked. Nws tuaj yeem pom tau ntau yam raws li daim phiaj microscopic pseudohexagonal. Kaolinite yog hloov tau hauv nws lub zog tab sis inelastic. Nws hardness tuaj yeem muab tau li 2-2.5 ntawm Mohs nplai. Cov luster ntawm kaolinite yog pearly rau npub av. Nws muaj cov ntxhia streak xim dawb.

Pob zeb muaj cov ntsiab lus siab ntawm kaolinite feem ntau hu ua kaolin lossis suav av nplaum. Qee zaum, nws paub los ntawm Greek lub npe lithomarge, uas txhais tau tias "pob zeb ntawm marl." Tam sim no, lo lus lithomarge yog siv los xa mus rau ib daim ntawv compacted, loj ntawm kaolin.

Lub peev xwm ntsws-o ntawm kaolinite yog qhov tsawg, thiab nws kuj muaj peev xwm pauv cation tsawg. Ntxiv mus, nws yog ib tug mos, earthy, feem ntau yog cov ntxhia pob zeb dawb uas yog tsim los ntawm cov tshuaj weathering ntawm txhuas silicate minerals xws li feldspar.

Thaum piv nrog lwm cov av nplaum, kaolinite yog tshuaj lom neeg thiab yooj yim. Peb tuaj yeem piav qhia nws li 1: 1 av nplaum ntxhia vim nws muaj cov muaju nrog cov txheej TO txheej (Tetrahedral-Octahedral txheej). Txhua txheej TO muaj ib daim ntawv tetrahedral uas muaj cov silicon thiab cov pa oxygen ions uas tau ua ke rau ib daim ntawv octahedral uas muaj cov pa oxygen, txhuas, thiab hydroxyl ions. Nyob rau hauv txhua txheej T, ib lub silicon atom khi rau plaub qhov chaw nyob ib puag ncig oxygen atoms, uas tsim cov tetrahedron. Nyob rau hauv O txheej, ib qho txhuas atom khi rau rau oxygen atoms nyob ib puag ncig nws, ua rau octahedron.

Muaj ntau ntau yam kev siv kaolinite xws li hauv kev tsim khoom siv ceramic, tshuaj txhuam hniav, cov khoom siv teeb pom kev zoo hauv cov qhov muag teev dawb, thiab ua cov khoom siv rwb thaiv tsev. Tsis tas li ntawd, nws yog siv los tsim cov tshuaj pleev ib ce, pleev xim, nplaum, thiab lwm yam.

Illite yog dab tsi?

Illite yog hom av nplaum uas muaj cov tshuaj formula (K, H 3O)(Al, Mg, Fe) 2 (Si, Al)4O10[(OH)2, (H 2O)]. Nws tuaj yeem raug cais raws li mica-phyllosilicate. Nws muaj cov qauv siv lead ua monoclinic, thiab nws cov chav kawm siv lead ua yog prismatic (2 / m).

Kaolinite vs Illite hauv Tabular Form
Kaolinite vs Illite hauv Tabular Form

Daim duab 02: Illite

Cov tsos ntawm cov neeg tsis pom kev yog grey-dawb mus rau silvery-dawb, thiab siv lead ua cwj pwm tuaj yeem piav qhia raws li micaceous aggregates. Lub hardness ntawm cov ntxhia no yog 1-2 ntawm Mohs nplai ntawm hardness. Nws qhia pearly rau npub luster, thiab nws cov ntxhia streak xim yog dawb. Ntxiv mus, illite yog translucent, thiab nws muaj ib tug tshwj xeeb lub ntiajteb txawj nqus uas nyob nruab nrab ntawm 2.6-2.9.

Thaum xav txog cov qauv ntawm cov neeg tsis pom kev, nws muaj 2: 1 Sandwich qauv ntawm silica tetrahedron (T) thiab alumina octahedron (O). Cov qauv los ua T-O-T txheej. Muaj qhov chaw nruab nrab ntawm T-O-T ib ntus ntawm cov khaubncaws sab nraud povtseg uas yog cov dej tsis zoo ntawm cov poov tshuaj cations. Cov cations no yog lub luag haujlwm rau qhov tsis muaj qhov o. Cov qauv ntawm cov ntxhia no zoo ib yam li muscovite. Tab sis tom kawg muaj ntau silicon, magnesium, hlau, thiab dej nrog rau me ntsis tetrahedral aluminium thiab interlayer potassium.

Dab tsi zoo sib xws ntawm Kaolinite thiab Illite?

  1. Kaolinite thiab illite yog av nplaum ntxhia.
  2. ob leeg yog phyllosilicates.
  3. Lawv muaj cov qauv crystalline.
  4. Ob leeg muaj cov ntsiab lus siab ntawm silica thiab alumina.
  5. Lawv muaj tetrahedron thiab octahedron qauv.

Qhov txawv ntawm Kaolinite thiab Illite yog dab tsi?

Kaolinite thiab illite yog cov av nplaum tseem ceeb uas muaj ntau yam kev siv. Qhov sib txawv tseem ceeb ntawm kaolinite thiab illite yog tias kaolinite tsuas yog nqus tau cov dej tsawg xwb, hos illite muaj peev xwm nqus dej ntau dua li kaolinite. Ntxiv mus, kaolinite muaj cov qauv siv lead ua triclinic thaum illite muaj cov qauv monoclinic. Tsis tas li ntawd, lub hardness ntawm kaolinite yog siab dua li ntawm illite. Txawm li cas los xij, ob leeg muaj TO-layered chemical qauv.

Hauv qab no yog cov ntsiab lus ntawm qhov sib txawv ntawm kaolinite thiab illite hauv daim ntawv tabular rau kev sib piv ntawm ib sab.

Summary – Kaolinite vs Illite

Kaolinite yog av nplaum ntxhia muaj cov tshuaj formula Al2Si2O5 (OH)4, thaum illite yog hom av nplaum ntxhia muaj cov tshuaj formula (K, H3O)(Al, Mg, Fe)2(Si, Al)4O10[(OH)2 , (H2O)]. Qhov sib txawv tseem ceeb ntawm kaolinite thiab illite yog tias kaolinite tuaj yeem nqus dej tsawg, qhov Illite tuaj yeem nqus dej ntau dua li kaolinite.

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