Qhov txawv ntawm Aerobic thiab Anaerobic Fermentation

Cov txheej txheem:

Qhov txawv ntawm Aerobic thiab Anaerobic Fermentation
Qhov txawv ntawm Aerobic thiab Anaerobic Fermentation

Video: Qhov txawv ntawm Aerobic thiab Anaerobic Fermentation

Video: Qhov txawv ntawm Aerobic thiab Anaerobic Fermentation
Video: Biology Differences between Aerobes and Anaerobes (obligate and facultative) 2024, Lub Xya hli ntuj

Qhov Tseem Ceeb - Aerobic vs Anaerobic Fermentation

Lub sij hawm Aerobic fermentation yog ib tug misnomer vim fermentation yog anaerobic, piv txwv li, nws tsis xav tau Oxygen. Yog li, aerobic fermentation tsis tau hais txog cov txheej txheem fermentation; txheej txheem no hais txog cov txheej txheem ntawm cellular respiration. Qhov sib txawv tseem ceeb ntawm aerobic thiab anaerobic fermentation yog tias aerobic fermentation siv oxygen thaum anaerobic fermentation tsis siv oxygen. Qhov sib txawv ntxiv yuav tau tham hauv kab lus no.

Aerobic Fermentation yog dab tsi

Raws li tau hais los saum no, lo lus "Aerobic fermentation" yog misnamed vim fermentation yog txheej txheem anaerobic. Yooj yim, qhov no yog txheej txheem ntawm hlawv cov suab thaj yooj yim rau lub zog hauv hlwb; Kev tshawb fawb ntxiv, nws tuaj yeem hu ua aerobic respiration.

Nws tuaj yeem txhais tau tias yog cov txheej txheem ntawm kev tsim cov cellular zog nyob rau hauv lub xub ntiag ntawm oxygen. Nws kwv yees ua 36 ATP molecules los ntawm kev rhuav tshem cov zaub mov hauv mitochondria. Nws suav nrog peb kauj ruam uas yog glycolysis, citric acid voj voog, thiab hluav taws xob thauj khoom. Nws siv Carbohydrates, Rog, thiab Proteins; Cov khoom kawg ntawm cov txheej txheem no yog carbon dioxide thiab dej.

kev tshuaj xyuas yooj yim

C6H12O6 (s) + 6 O 2 (g) → 6 CO2 (g) + 6 H2O (l) + kub

ΔG=−2880 kJ per mol of C6H12O6

(-) qhia tias cov tshuaj tiv thaiv tuaj yeem tshwm sim tau

Aerobic Respiration Process

1. Glycolysis

Nws yog txoj hauv kev metabolic uas tshwm sim hauv cytosol ntawm cov hlwb hauv cov kab mob muaj sia. Qhov no tuaj yeem ua haujlwm nyob rau hauv lub xub ntiag lossis tsis muaj oxygen. Nws tsim pyruvate nyob rau hauv lub xub ntiag ntawm oxygen. Ob lub ATP molecules raug tsim raws li lub zog net.

Cov tshuaj tiv thaiv tag nrho tuaj yeem qhia tau raws li hauv qab no:

Glucose + 2 NAD+ + 2 Pi + 2 ADP → 2 pyruvate + 2 NADH + 2 ATP + 2 H + + 2 H2O + kub

YPyruvate yog oxidized rau acetyl-CoA thiab CO

2 los ntawm pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC). Nws nyob hauv mitochondria ntawm eukaryotic thiab cytosol ntawm prokaryotes.

2. Citric Acid Cycle

Citric Acid Cycle tseem hu ua Krebs cycle thiab tshwm sim hauv mitochondrial matrix. Qhov no yog 8 kauj ruam txheej txheem uas muaj ntau hom enzymes thiab co-enzymes. Cov txiaj ntsig tau los ntawm ib qho qabzib molecule yog 6 NADH, 2 FADH2,thiab 2 GTP.

3. Electron Transport System

Electron thauj system tseem hu ua oxidative phosphorylation. Hauv eukaryotes, cov kauj ruam no tshwm sim hauv mitochondrial cristae.

Qhov txawv ntawm Aerobic thiab Anaerobic Fermentation
Qhov txawv ntawm Aerobic thiab Anaerobic Fermentation

Anaerobic Fermentation yog dab tsi?

Anaerobic fermentation yog txheej txheem uas ua rau tawg ntawm cov organic tebchaw. Cov txheej txheem no txo cov nitrogen rau cov organic acids thiab ammonia. Carbon los ntawm cov organic tebchaw yog tso tawm tsuas yog raws li methane roj (CH 4). Ib feem me me ntawm cov pa roj carbon monoxide yuav tau ua pa raws li CO 2Cov txheej txheem decomposition tshwm sim ntawm no yog siv hauv kev sib xyaw. Lub decomposition tshwm sim raws li plaub theem xws li: hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, thiab methanogenesis.

txheej txheem anaerobic fermentation

1. Hydrolysis

C6H10O4 + 2H2 O → C6H12O6 + 2H2

2. Acidogenesis

C6H12O6 ↔ 2CH3 CH2OH + 2CO2

C6H12O6 + 2H2↔ 2CH3CH2COOH + 2H2O

C6H12O6 → 3CH3 COOH

3. Acetogenesis

CH3CH2COO + 3H2 O ↔ CH3COO + H+ + HCO 3 + 3H2

C6H12O6 + 2H2 O ↔ 2CH3COOH + 2CO2 + 4H2

CH3CH2OH + 2H2O ↔ CH 3COO + 2H2 +H+

4. Methanogenesis

CO2 + 4H2 CH4 + 2H 2O

2C2H5OH + CO2 → CH 4 + 2CH3COOH


Qhov txawv tseem ceeb - Aerobic vs Anaerobic Fermentation
Qhov txawv tseem ceeb - Aerobic vs Anaerobic Fermentation

Qhov txawv ntawm Aerobic thiab Anaerobic Fermentation yog dab tsi?

yam ntxwv ntawm Aerobic thiab Anaerobic Fermentation

Oxygen Siv:

Aerobic fermentation: Aerobic fermentation siv oxygen.

Anaerobic fermentation: Anaerobic fermentation tsis siv oxygen.

ATP Yield:

Aerobic fermentation: Aerobic fermentation yields 38 ATP molecules

Anaerobic fermentation: Anaerobic fermentation tsis tsim ATP molecules.

tshwm sim:

Aerobic fermentation: Aerobic fermentation tshwm sim hauv cov kab mob nyob.

Anaerobic fermentation: Anaerobic fermentation tshwm sim sab nraum cov kab mob nyob.

Microorganism kev koom tes:

Aerobic fermentation: Tsis muaj kab mob koom nrog

Anaerobic fermentation: Cov kab mob muaj feem cuam tshuam


Aerobic fermentation: Tsis tas yuav tsum muaj qhov kub thiab txias rau cov txheej txheem.

Anaerobic fermentation: Ambient kub yuav tsum tau rau cov txheej txheem.


Aerobic fermentation: Aerobic fermentation yog ib txoj kev tsim hluav taws xob.

Anaerobic fermentation: Anaerobic fermentation yog ib txoj kev decomposition.


Aerobic fermentation: Cov theem suav nrog Glycolysis, Krebs voj voog, thiab hluav taws xob thauj khoom

Anaerobic fermentation: Anaerobic fermentation tsis muaj glycolysis lossis lwm theem.

CH4 Production:

Aerobic fermentation: Aerobic fermentation tsis tsim CH4.

Anaerobic fermentation: Anaerobic fermentation tsim CH4.

Pom zoo: