Qhov txawv ntawm Distortion thiab Overdrive

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Qhov txawv ntawm Distortion thiab Overdrive
Qhov txawv ntawm Distortion thiab Overdrive

Video: Qhov txawv ntawm Distortion thiab Overdrive

Video: Qhov txawv ntawm Distortion thiab Overdrive
Video: Saib Mis paub Poj niam (hluas nkauj) tus yam ntxwv lub siab 2024, Lub Xya hli ntuj

Qhov Tseem Ceeb - Distortion vs Overdrive

Distortion thiab overdrive yog ob lub ntsiab lus uas tau siv hauv ntau qhov chaw thiab qhov sib txawv tseem ceeb ntawm Distortion thiab Overdrive yog qhov overdrive yog hom kev cuam tshuam. Distortion yog ib lub ntsiab lus loj heev piv rau overdrive. Qee zaum, lawv tshwm sim ntawm tus kheej. Hauv optics, distortion yog hu ua kev hloov pauv ntawm cov duab qub ntawm cov duab. Qee lub tsheb muaj ib chav overdrive kom ua tiav qhov siab tshaj plaws roj efficiency nrog txo lub cav ceev. Tab sis, nyob rau hauv tsab xov xwm no peb siv ob lo lus distortion thiab overdrive nyob rau hauv relation mus waveforms. Txhawm rau hais txog qhov sib txawv ntawm Distortion thiab Overdrive, lub waveform tau muab tso rau pem hauv ntej.

Dab tsi yog qhov yuam kev?

Distortion yog qhov kev cais tawm ntawm tus thawj waveform hauv cov txheej txheem luam tawm. Hauv kev siv 'distortion' hais txog ntau qhov sib txawv ntawm qhov qub. Distortion muaj xws li non-linear output amplitudes, ntxiv overtones, non-flat zaus teb, theem hloov thiab variations nyob rau hauv theem tshaj tawm. Txhawm rau kov yeej qee qhov teebmeem no, engineers siv cov sib npaug. Hauv suab paj nruag, distortion tuaj yeem rhuav tshem cov suab paj nruag zoo thiab ua rau muaj qhov zoo ntxiv. Hauv kev sib txuas lus thiab audio video post editing, nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb los soj ntsuam seb qhov distortion yog qhia li cas rau lub teeb liab txij li lub teeb liab yuav tsum tau ua kom tshem tawm cov variations. Distortion yog teeb meem rau cov ntaub ntawv xa mus. Engineers ib txwm sim tshem tawm distortion, thaum lub suab paj nruag siv tib daemon ua suab paj nruag. Ntau lub pob zeb, hnyav hlau ntaus guitarists siv cov hlua distorted los ua suab paj nruag.

Qhov txawv ntawm Distortion thiab Overdrive-distortion
Qhov txawv ntawm Distortion thiab Overdrive-distortion
Qhov txawv ntawm Distortion thiab Overdrive-distortion
Qhov txawv ntawm Distortion thiab Overdrive-distortion

Boss Turbo Distortion guitar pedal

Dab tsi yog Overdrive?

Overdrive feem ntau tshwm sim thaum lub tshuab hluav taws xob siv los ua kom lub suab nrov tshaj qhov nce siab tshaj plaws. Lub hauv paus chiv keeb ntawm lub sij hawm Overdrive los ntawm valve amplifier yam ntxwv. Thawj tiam valve amplifiers tsis muaj kev ntseeg siab ntau thiab feem ntau tsim cov teeb liab distorted ntawm thiab tshaj lawv qhov siab tshaj plaws. Valve amplifiers kuj muaj qhov nce siab tshaj plaws rau lub teeb liab ib yam li lwm yam amplifier. Thaum peb sim ua kom lub suab nrov tshaj qhov kev txwv, nws ua rau saturation (overdrive) ntawm li qub ntawm lub amplifier. Qhov tshwm sim yog qhov clipping lub teeb liab.

Distortion vs Overdrive
Distortion vs Overdrive
Distortion vs Overdrive
Distortion vs Overdrive

Raws li pom raws li hauv daim duab saum toj no, lub teeb liab yuav tsum tau nthuav dav tshaj qhov pib. Lub teeb liab tso zis tsuas yog txwv rau thaj tsam txiv kab ntxwv txij li qhov saturation tau tshwm sim. Qhov loj dua qhov amplification (tau txais) xav tau, loj dua qhov distortion uas tshwm sim. Tsis muaj teeb meem ntau npaum li cas yuav tsum tau, cov zis teeb liab clips nyob rau theem pib. Qhov nce hauv thawj waveform ua rau muaj kev hloov pauv ntau dua los ntawm qhov qub.

Qee lub sij hawm qhov kev txiav tawm tuaj yeem hloov lub teeb liab thawj zaug rau hauv lub voj voog square. Nws yog hu ua hard clipping. Ntau classical distortion / overdrive pedals yog hloov los ntawm niaj hnub semiconductor circuitry.

Dab tsi yog qhov txawv ntawm Distortion thiab Overdrive?

Definition of Distortion and Overdrive

Distortion: Distortion yog qhov kev cais tawm ntawm tus thawj nthwv dej hauv cov txheej txheem tsim tawm.

Overdrive: Overdrive yog ib qho cim ntawm kev nce siab tshaj plaws.

yam ntxwv ntawm Distortion thiab Overdrive

Distortion: Distortion yog ib lub ntsiab lus loj thiab muaj ntau yam xws li preamplifier distortion, fais fab amplifier distortion, fais fab mov sag thiab tso zis transformer distortion.

Overdrive: Overdrive yog ib ceg ntawm distortion.

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