Qhov Sib Txawv Ntawm Cov Hluav Taws Xob thiab Tsis Muaj Zog

Qhov Sib Txawv Ntawm Cov Hluav Taws Xob thiab Tsis Muaj Zog
Qhov Sib Txawv Ntawm Cov Hluav Taws Xob thiab Tsis Muaj Zog

Video: Qhov Sib Txawv Ntawm Cov Hluav Taws Xob thiab Tsis Muaj Zog

Video: Qhov Sib Txawv Ntawm Cov Hluav Taws Xob thiab Tsis Muaj Zog
Video: Tshuaj theem vim li cas thiaj tau nqi ?/ Siv kho mob dab tsi?/paris polyphylla use for? 2024, Lub Xya hli ntuj

Strong vs Weak Electrolytes

Txhua lub tebchaw tuaj yeem faib ua ob pawg, xws li electrolytes thiab non-electrolytes raws li lawv lub peev xwm los tsim ions thiab, yog li, muaj peev xwm ua hluav taws xob. Cov txheej txheem ntawm kev hla tam sim no los ntawm cov tshuaj electrolytic thiab, yog li ntawd, yuam cov ions zoo thiab tsis zoo txav mus rau lawv cov electrodes yog hu ua "electrolysis." Cov txheej txheem no yog ua nyob rau hauv ib tug electrolytic cell. Lub tswv yim no yog siv rau hauv cov hlau plating, kev sib cais ntawm cov khoom hauv lub xeev lossis cov roj, hauv cov roj teeb, roj hlwb, thiab lwm yam.

Electrolytes muaj nyob hauv peb lub cev ib yam nkaus. Lawv xav tau los tswj qhov sib npaug hauv cov hlwb thiab cov kua dej hauv lub cev noj qab haus huv. Electrolyte tshuav nyiaj li cas yog qhov tseem ceeb los tswj cov osmotic tshuav nyiaj li cas, yog li cov ntshav siab hauv lub cev. Na+, K+, Ca2+ yog qhov tseem ceeb hauv kev xa paj hlwb thiab cov leeg nqaij. Electrolyte homeostasis yog tswj los ntawm ntau yam tshuaj hormones hauv lub cev. Piv txwv li, aldosterone, tswj cov Na+ nyiaj. Calcitonin thiab parathormon cov tshuaj hormones ua lub luag haujlwm los tswj cov Ca2+ and PO43- sib npaug. Cov qib electrolyte ntawm cov ntshav yog ntsuas los txheeb xyuas qee cov electrolyte imbalances. Feem ntau, Na+ and K+ qib hauv cov ntshav thiab zis raug ntsuas los kuaj lub raum ua haujlwm tsis zoo, thiab lwm yam Na +qib hauv cov ntshav yog 135 - 145 mmol / L, thiab K + qib yog 3.5 - 5.0 mmol / L. Cov qib electrolytes hauv lub cev hnyav tuaj yeem ua rau tuag taus. Electrolytes kuj tseem ceeb hauv cov nroj tsuag lub cev. Piv txwv li, lub stomata qhib thiab kaw mechanisms los ntawm cov neeg zov lub hlwb yog tswj los ntawm electrolytes (K+).

Electrolytes yog cov khoom tsim ions. Cov tebchaw no tuaj yeem tsim cov ions thaum lawv nyob rau theem molten lossis thaum lawv yaj hauv cov kuab tshuaj (dej). Vim yog cov ions, electrolytes tuaj yeem ua hluav taws xob. Qee zaum yuav muaj cov khoom siv hluav taws xob electrolytes. Ntxiv mus, qee cov pa roj xws li carbon dioxide tsim ions (hydrogen thiab bicarbonate ions) thaum nws yaj hauv dej. Muaj ob hom electrolytes, muaj zog electrolytes thiab tsis muaj zog electrolytes.

Muaj zog Electrolytes

Cov electrolytes muaj zog tuaj yeem tsim ions thaum lawv soluble. Lawv tag nrho dissociate los tsim ions nyob rau hauv ib tug tov. Piv txwv li, ionic compounds yog cov muaj zog electrolytes. Molten sodium chloride los yog aqueous NaCl cov kev daws teeb meem tau sib cais tag nrho rau hauv Na+ thiab Cl– ions; Yog li, lawv yog cov hluav taws xob zoo hluav taws xob. Cov kua qaub uas muaj zog thiab cov hauv paus tseem yog cov electrolytes zoo.

Tsis muaj Electrolytes

Tsis muaj electrolytes tsim ob peb ions thaum lawv soluble hauv dej. Lawv dissociate ib nrab thiab tsim ob peb ions. Nyob rau hauv ib tug daws ntawm qaug zog electrolytes, yuav muaj dissociated ions raws li zoo raws li lub nruab nrab molecules ntawm cov khoom. Yog li ntawd, tam sim no ua los ntawm xws li ib tug tov yog tsawg heev piv rau ib tug muaj zog electrolytic kua. Piv txwv li, tsis muaj zog acids xws li acetic acid thiab cov hauv paus tsis muaj zog yog cov electrolytes tsis muaj zog.

Qhov txawv ntawm Strong Electrolytes thiab Weak Electrolytes yog dab tsi?

• Muaj zog electrolytes yooj yim yaj hauv dej, tab sis tsis muaj zog electrolytes tsis yooj yim yaj.

• Muaj zog electrolytes tag nrho dissociate los yog ionize nyob rau hauv ib tug tov, whereas ib tug qaug zog electrolyte ib feem dissociate los yog ionize.

• Cov electrolytes muaj zog ua hluav taws xob zoo heev vim muaj ntau cov ions hauv nruab nrab, tab sis cov electrolytes tsis muaj zog tsuas yog siv me me xwb.

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