Qhov txawv ntawm Maleic Acid thiab Fumaric Acid

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Qhov txawv ntawm Maleic Acid thiab Fumaric Acid
Qhov txawv ntawm Maleic Acid thiab Fumaric Acid

Video: Qhov txawv ntawm Maleic Acid thiab Fumaric Acid

Video: Qhov txawv ntawm Maleic Acid thiab Fumaric Acid
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Qhov sib txawv tseem ceeb ntawm maleic acid thiab fumaric acid yog cov txiv neej acid yog cis-isomer ntawm butenedioic acid, whereas fumaric acid yog trans-isomer.

Maleic acid thiab fumaric acid yog carboxylic acids. Lawv yog cis-trans isomers ntawm ib leeg. Ob lub tebchaw no muaj ob pawg carboxylic acid ib molecule.

Maleic Acid yog dab tsi?

Maleic acid yog cov carboxylic acid uas muaj cov tshuaj formula HO2CCH=CHCO2H. Nws yog dicarboxylic acid vim nws muaj ob pawg carboxylic ib molecule. Nws yog ib qho isomer ntawm fumaric acid. Cov molar loj ntawm maleic acid yog 116.072 g / mol. Cov khoom no zoo li cov khoom dawb, thiab nws tsis ruaj khov dua piv rau fumaric acid, tab sis ntau dua dej-soluble. Nws cov ntsiab lus melting yog 135 ° C, thiab nws yog tus nqi qis dua piv rau qhov melting point ntawm fumaric acid. Saum toj no kub, lub compound decomposes. Cov khoom no yog vim muaj kev sib koom ua ke ntawm cov tshuaj hydrogen ntawm cov txiv neej acid molecules.

Qhov txawv ntawm Maleic Acid thiab Fumaric Acid
Qhov txawv ntawm Maleic Acid thiab Fumaric Acid

Daim duab 01: Cov qauv ntawm Maleic Acid

Nyob rau hauv kev lag luam nplai, peb tsim cov txiv neej acid los ntawm hydrolysis ntawm maleic anhydride. Peb kuj tuaj yeem tsim nws siv oxidation ntawm benzene lossis butane.

Fumaric Acid yog dab tsi?

Fumaric acid yog carboxylic acid uas muaj cov tshuaj formula HO2CCH=CHCO2H. Tsis tas li ntawd, qhov sib xyaw no muaj cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo saj; Yog li, peb tuaj yeem siv nws ua zaub mov ntxiv. Cov molar loj ntawm cov compound yog 116.072 g / mol. Nws yog sib npaug rau molar mass ntawm maleic acid vim ob leeg muaj tib cov tshuaj formula.

Qhov txawv tseem ceeb - Maleic Acid vs Fumaric Acid
Qhov txawv tseem ceeb - Maleic Acid vs Fumaric Acid

Daim duab 02: Cov qauv ntawm Fumaric Acid

Ntxiv mus, qhov sib xyaw no zoo li cov khoom dawb. Lub melting point yog 287 ° C, thiab tom qab cua sov ntxiv, lub compound decomposes. Tsis tas li ntawd, peb tuaj yeem tsim cov fumaric acid los ntawm catalytic isomerization ntawm maleic acid ntawm qis pH. Tsis tas li ntawd, qhov no tau ua tiav hauv cov tshuaj aqueous.

Qhov txawv ntawm Maleic Acid thiab Fumaric Acid yog dab tsi?

Qhov sib txawv tseem ceeb ntawm cov txiv neej acid thiab fumaric acid yog cov txiv neej acid yog cis-isomer ntawm butenedioic acid, hos fumaric acid yog trans-isomer. Tsis tas li ntawd, cov txiv neej cov kua qaub ua rau tsis muaj zog intramolecular hydrogen bonds thiab muaj qhov qis qis dua li fumaric acid. Nws yog vim hais tias cov intramolecular hydrogen bonds nyob rau hauv fumaric acid muaj zog ntau vim lub trans geometry.

Hauv qab infographic muab cov ntsiab lus ntxiv ntawm qhov sib txawv ntawm cov txiv neej acid thiab fumaric acid.

Qhov txawv ntawm Maleic Acid thiab Fumaric Acid nyob rau hauv daim ntawv Tabular
Qhov txawv ntawm Maleic Acid thiab Fumaric Acid nyob rau hauv daim ntawv Tabular

Summary – Maleic Acid vs Fumaric Acid

Ob leeg txiv neej acid thiab fumaric acid yog carboxylic acids. Ntxiv mus, lawv yog cis-trans isomers ntawm ib leeg. Qhov sib txawv tseem ceeb ntawm cov txiv neej acid thiab fumaric acid yog cov txiv neej acid yog cis-isomer ntawm butenedioic acid, whereas fumaric acid yog trans-isomer.

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