Qhov txawv ntawm Celtic thiab Gaelic

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Qhov txawv ntawm Celtic thiab Gaelic
Qhov txawv ntawm Celtic thiab Gaelic

Video: Qhov txawv ntawm Celtic thiab Gaelic

Video: Qhov txawv ntawm Celtic thiab Gaelic
Video: coj sawv daws mus saib lawv khawb vaj pov cov nyiaj nyob zos noom taj xeev khuam 2024, Lub Xya hli ntuj

Qhov Tseem Ceeb Qhov txawv - Celtic vs Gaelic

Celtic thiab Gaelic yog ob pawg lus uas feem ntau siv hauv North Western Europe. Cov lus Celtic yog ib feem ntawm tsev neeg Indo-European lus thiab tau muab faib ua ob pawg loj hu ua Gaelic thiab Brittonic. Yog li ntawd, cov lus Gaelic yog ib feem ntawm Celtic. Qhov no yog qhov sib txawv tseem ceeb ntawm Celtic thiab Gaelic.

Celtic lus yog dab tsi?

Cov lus Celtic yog ib feem ntawm tsev neeg Indo-European lus. Cov lus Celtic tuaj yeem muab faib ua ob pawg hu ua Gaelic thiab Brittonic lus. Gaelic muaj Scottish Gaelic thiab Irish thiab Brittonic muaj Welsh thiab Breton.

Cov lus Celtic niaj hnub no tau hais nyob rau sab qaum teb sab hnub poob Europe, tshwj xeeb hauv Ireland, Scotland, Cornwall, Wales, Brittany, thiab Isle of Man. Cov lus Celtic feem ntau siv niaj hnub no los ntawm cov haiv neeg tsawg, thiab feem ntau ntawm lawv tau sau npe tias 'kev puas tsuaj' los ntawm UNESCO.

Txawm hais tias muaj ntau qhov sib txawv ntawm ib tus neeg Celtic cov lus, lawv kuj qhia qee qhov zoo sib xws xws li VSO lo lus txiav txim, tsis muaj qhov tsis muaj tseeb, kev ua qauv qhia bifurcated, thiab lwm yam.

Qhov txawv ntawm Celtic thiab Gaelic
Qhov txawv ntawm Celtic thiab Gaelic

Gaelic Language yog dab tsi?

Gaelic yog kev faib ntawm Celtic lus thiab tseem hu ua Goidelic. Gaelic muaj Scottish Gaelic lus thiab lus Irish. Manx, uas kuj yog ib hom lus Gaelic, tuag tawm hauv lub xyoo pua 20th. Cov lus no tau hloov zuj zus los ntawm Middle Irish. Muaj qee qhov zoo sib xws hauv Irish thiab Scottish Gaelic rau qhov uas tus neeg hais lus Irish tuaj yeem nkag siab qee qhov Scottish Gaelic.

Qhov txawv tseem ceeb - Celtic vs Gaelic
Qhov txawv tseem ceeb - Celtic vs Gaelic

Church of the Paternoster, Jerusalem, tus Tswv txoj kev thov Vajtswv ua lus Scotish Gaelic

Muab hauv qab no yog qee cov lus thiab kab lus hauv ntau hom lus Celtic. Koj tuaj yeem soj ntsuam qhov sib txawv thiab qhov sib xws ntawm cov lus Gaelic.

English Welsh Cornish Breton Irish Scottish Gaelic Manx
Hnub no heddiw hedhyw hiziv inniu an-diugh jiu
Hmo ntuj nos nos noz oíche oidhche oie
Lub tsev chi ti tig taig thie
Cheese caws keus kuj cáis càis(e) caashey
School ysgol skol skol scoil sgoil scoill
Pab llawn leun leun lán làn txoj kab
xwb chwbanu hibana c'hibanat fiabáil fawm fed

Qhov txawv ntawm Celtic thiab Gaelic yog dab tsi?

Keeb kwm:

Celtic yog ib feem ntawm tsev neeg Indo-European lus.

Gaelic yog kev faib ntawm Celtic lus.

Qhov chaw:

Celtic feem ntau yog hais hauv Ireland, Scotland, Cornwall, Wales, Brittany, thiab Isle of Man.

Gaelic feem ntau yog hais hauv Ireland thiab Scotland.


Celtic muab faib ua lus Gaelic thiab Brittonic.

Gaelic muaj Irish, Scottish Gaelic thiab Manx.

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