Qhov Sib Txawv Ntawm Cov Kab Ntsig thiab Cnidarians

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Qhov Sib Txawv Ntawm Cov Kab Ntsig thiab Cnidarians
Qhov Sib Txawv Ntawm Cov Kab Ntsig thiab Cnidarians

Video: Qhov Sib Txawv Ntawm Cov Kab Ntsig thiab Cnidarians

Video: Qhov Sib Txawv Ntawm Cov Kab Ntsig thiab Cnidarians
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Sponges vs Cnidarians

Ib qho txawv txawv ntawm daim txhuam cev thiab cnidarians yog cov sponges tsis muaj cov ntaub so ntswg thaum cnidarians muaj cov ntaub so ntswg tab sis tsis yog lub cev. Sponges thiab Cnidarians yog cov txheej txheem acoelomic invertebrates nrog lub cev yooj yim heev. Ob lub cev muaj nyob hauv cov dej ecosystems. Sponges thiab Cnidarians tsis muaj lub cev. Hauv tsab xov xwm no, peb yuav pom cov yam ntxwv tshwj xeeb ntawm daim txhuam cev thiab cnidarians thiab, los ntawm qhov ntawd, peb yuav txiav txim siab qhov sib txawv ntawm daim txhuam cev thiab cnidarians.

Dab tsi yog Sponges?

Sponges yog cov tsiaj hauv dej nrog lub cev yooj yim hollow asymmetrical thiab categorized hauv Phylum Porifera. Phylum Porifera suav nrog txog 7000 hom kab mob. Qee qhov piv txwv rau cov sponges muaj xws li lub thoob khib nyiab, boring sponges, pob tawb sponges, da dej sponges, thiab lwm yam. Feem ntau hom yog marine thiab tsawg heev nyob hauv dej tshiab. Cov neeg laus yog sessile thiab muaj lub cev asymmetrical. Daim txhuam cev lub cev yog tsim los ntawm ob txheej; sab nrauv flattened cell txheej thiab sab hauv flagellated dab tshos kab, uas qhib rau nws sab hauv kab noj hniav. Nyob rau hauv nruab nrab ntawm ob txheej cell, muaj ib tug gel zoo li extracellular matrix. Nyob rau hauv feem ntau cov sponges, cov matrix secretes fibrous proteins uas ua zoo li ib tug exoskeleton. Tsis zoo li lwm yam tsiaj, sponges muaj kev zom zaub mov intracellular. Sponges pub rau planktons los ntawm lim dej. Sponges yog hermaphrodites. Lawv cov phev raug tso rau hauv dej thiab cov qe khaws cia hauv lawv lub cev. Lub larva yog dawb-nyob thiab motile. Cov sponges raug sau los ntawm hiav txwv los ntawm tib neeg thiab siv rau da dej thiab ntxuav.

Qhov txawv ntawm Sponges thiab Cnidarians
Qhov txawv ntawm Sponges thiab Cnidarians

Cnidarians yog dab tsi?

Cnidarians tsim lub neej kev tsim kho loj tshaj plaws hu ua coral reefs. Cnidarians (Phylum Cnidaria) suav nrog jellyfish, hiav txwv anemones, corals, Hydra, thiab hiav txwv kiv cua. Muaj li ntawm 10,000 hom pom nyob rau hauv no phylum. Cov yam ntxwv tseem ceeb ntawm cnidarians muaj xws li radial symmetry, acoelomate lub cev nrog cov ntaub so ntswg, tsis muaj lub cev, thiab lub plab zom mov yooj yim uas qhib los ntawm lub qhov ncauj, uas nyob ib puag ncig ntawm tentacles armed nrog nematocysts.

Txhua tus cnidarians yog cov tsiaj txhu thiab muaj lub cev yooj yim heev yoog raws li cov tsiaj nyeg. Lawv feem ntau nyob hauv marine ecosystems, thiab ntau hom tsiaj nyob hauv dej tshiab. Cnidarians tsis muaj kev sib deev, digestive, circulatory, los yog excretory systems. Ntxiv mus, lawv muaj cov paj hlwb qub heev nrog cov paj hlwb receptors, uas yog rhiab heev rau kov, lub ntiajteb txawj nqus thiab lub teeb. Qhov tshwj xeeb tshwj xeeb ntawm cnidarians yog qhov muaj cov nematocysts, lub xov tooj tshwj xeeb rau kev ntes lawv cov tsiaj txhu thiab kev tiv thaiv.

Sponges vs Cnidarians
Sponges vs Cnidarians

Dab tsi yog qhov txawv ntawm Sponges thiab Cnidarians?


• Sponges belong to Phylum Porifera.

• Cnidarians belongs rau Phylum Cnidaria.

yam ntxwv nta:

• Daim txhuam cev muaj qhov zom zaub mov hauv lub cev thiab tsis muaj cov ntaub so ntswg.

• Cnidarians muaj nematocysts.

Khoom noj:

• Sponges ntes planktons los ntawm lim dej los ntawm lawv lub hlwb.

• Cnidarians yog predators thiab noj ntses me me, krill, thiab lwm yam.

Kev muaj cov ntaub so ntswg:

• Daim txhuam cev tsis muaj ntaub so ntswg.

• Cnidarians muaj cov ntaub so ntswg tab sis tsis muaj lub cev.

Lub Cev Symmetry:

• Feem ntau cov sponges muaj lub cev asymmetrical.

• Cnidarians muaj radially symmetrical lub cev.

Cell hom:

• Daim txhuam cev muaj ob peb hom hlwb.

• Cnidarians muaj ntau hom ntawm tes.

Txoj kev sib txawv:

• Muaj kwv yees li 7000 hom sponges.

• Muaj kwv yees li 10,000 hom sponges.

Pom zoo: